Friday, May 3, 2019

Laravel-like Timestamps With Symfony & Doctrine

I have enjoying my development time with Laravel a lot and a quite helping feature is Laravel keeping track of Model creation and update timestamps automatically when using its Eloquent ORM. Once after every indefinite days, I decide to do my next thing with Symfony. It was, is and will always be my favorite PHP framework!

After a lot of Laravel programming previously, I have been feeling sick of setting created_at and updated_at timestamps manually in each of my actions. So I figured myself a quick, re-usable way out to do it elegantly and move logic out of the actions.

It can be achieved by creating a trait in file Timestamps.php in src/Entity folder of your Symfony applications with below contents:

Then import and use the Timestamps trait in your Entity class as follows:

If you use (Doctrine) migrations for your database upgrades, you may add required created_at and updated_at columns as shown below to your table:

Hope it might help you too as it did to me!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

APK Studio 5 Release Announcement

I recently done finalising and then, releasing prolonged update for APK Studio, the 5.x series available for download on Github.

The notable changes are:

  1. Complete re-write, simpler codebase
  2. New dark theme for your eyes
  3. First-party builds for Linux, Mac OS X (yes!) & Windows
  4. More stability and features within IDE
  5. Did I mention, a newer, cleaner website?

Go ahead and download them here. Let me know here if any suggestions or report issues on Github.